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This is a joint blog where we channel our endless enthusiasm and energy towards music and entertainment. All of us are still schooling, and this is just about the only way to keep our sanity. :D

Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, hence disagreements are not uncommon. :) We will blog about what we like, and about what we find amusing. :D

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B. [more?]
The maknae (youngest).

Cheeeken C. [more?]
The director.

Joy [more?]
The funny one.

klAss [more?]
The awkward one.

XYZ [more?]
The sensible one.

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▪ Super Junior Comeback Stage on Music Bank.
▪ 2AM - Time For Confession
▪ Super Junior on We Got Married! (PREVIEW)
▪ [090315] SBS Inkigayo (Super Junior's comeback stage)
▪ Key to perform at DBSK's concert in China
▪ SNSD winning 1st on Music Bank for the 9th time
▪ Forever21 supports BoA
▪ [090314] Music Core (Super Junior's comeback stage)
▪ [090313] Super Junior on KBS Kiss The Radio
▪ Super Junior - Sorry Sorry MV


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18.3.09 : [090317] Super Junior on Chin Chin Radio
Posted by XYZ at 6:34 PM

Updated: Photo of them @ ChinChin added in :D

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I really need to find their album naoooooooo why is Singapore so slow like this? :( I can't order stuff online. Hahah.

Super Junior on Chin Chin Radio! But the same 3 were missing. :(

I really really like this song! Plus the rap slkfjsldkf; so sekshiiiiii~ I'm not really watching the video, only listening hahaha, but it's still so nice!

Let's Not
Err, the beginning reminds me of some Goong song haha. :) OMG Kyuhyun's voice is so velvet-like and lovely! ♥ K.R.Y is so lovely, such beautiful voices but then if there wasn't Super Junior there wouldn't be K.R.Y either. Like, it's a whole package :) ♥

Dancing to Sorry Sorry
Awww LOL @ them fooling around! :D This is why Super Junior had to come back... HAHA. Anyway, they're dancing Sorry Sorry and Tae Yeon joins them too. :) Donghae got so excited at his part. Then Shindong comes in in a shocking green hoodie. Well, okay shocking green because the rest of them are wearing monochrome colours :) OMG SHINDONG IS TOTALLY EXAGGERATING THE DANCE. LOL! And then Sungminnnnnnnnn omg HE PUTS HIS FOOT ON THE TABLE AND BRUSHES IT OFF ♥ Ok Shindong's being a mafia boss again. And that's Yesung in the red beanie fooling around too! Haha! LOOK AT SIWON. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Eunhyuk ends the song with that funny movement haha. ♥

And check this out! Leeteuk making funny faces at the camera while the rest are oblivious to what he is doing. :D And then he laughs at himself. :D ♥

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