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This is a joint blog where we channel our endless enthusiasm and energy towards music and entertainment. All of us are still schooling, and this is just about the only way to keep our sanity. :D

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12.3.09 : Super Junior "Sorry, Sorry" tracks released!
Posted by XYZ at 6:25 PM



I was jumpy all day in school and dying to get back home to listen to the tracks :D Plus it wasn't a very good day at school so this just made my day! :D :D

Sorry, Sorry
Enough said, this song has been on repeat in my head since it came out!! I still love Donghae's "Hey gir gir gir girl" part :D ♥ Can't wait for their comeback performance tomorrow! They will be performing this and "Why I Like You". PLUS THE HOT CHOREOGRAPHY OMG OMG

니가 좋은 이유 (Why I Like You)
OMG I LOVE THIS SONG ALREADY. It's got a different beat from Sorry Sorry but rather nice on the ears :D "Sorry, Sorry" was upbeat and techno-ish, like electronic music or something but this song sounded like... Ne-Yo's Closer! YES! HAHAHAHAHA I liked that song and I love this song too!

마주치지 말자 (Let's Not...)
Ballad by Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, and Yesung!! K.R.Y ♥ and omg omg it was composed by Hwan Hee of Fly to the Sky and his composition partner, Junyoung Jo!! Hwan Hee was actually saving it for a special occasion but he gave it to SJ ♥ This is really a beautiful ballad - especially when you hear Kyuhyun's rich voice and Yesung's unique texture. Ryeowook's voice is as always pure. :D

앤젤라 (Angela)
WHO IS THIS ANGELA PERSON?1?!?1?1?1?1?!?!?!??? Hahahahahahahaha

RAP. RAP. RAP. RAPPPPPPPPPPPPPP :D "Press the reset, press press the reset~"
They sound rather mature here and that makes me proud of them :')

I don't see anything scary like a monster hahahahaha okay lame. BLAME SCHOOL. :)

What If
I'm beginning to like this slow song too! (Actually, I've been starting to appreciate slow songs like this more - thanks to SHINee + DBSK and now Super Junior!) I can hear Ryeowook all the time. :D Okay I'm not paying enough attention to the other voices...

이별... 넌 쉽니 (Heartquake) Feat. Yoochun & Yunho of DBSK
OMG HOT HOT HOT RAP!!!!!!! ♥ They're rapping at the speed of a bullet train :O I love this song too ♥. ♥ I seem to be loving everything on this album. WELL, I CAN'T HELP IT!! This seems to be their best and I thought Don't Don was awesome enough as it was :D

Club No. 1 Feat. Lee Yeon Hee

Happy Together
OMG @! 0:18 I fully expected them to launch into Good Luck by Super Junior-H. o.O What is wrong with me! HAHAHAHAHA.

죽어있는 것 (Dead At Heart)

Shining Star
Eunhyuk raps again ♥ omg hahahahaha I think the rappers don't get a lot of limelight in this album so I really miss it and get excited at every little rap verse. :D Anyway, the song starts with rather good English! :) I'm proud of them.

Overall, I thought the album is probably the best of the 3 so far, they show off more mature vocals in some songs but I thought the rap was under rated :( Also, to be honest, I hear a lot of K.R.Y but I can't really tell the rest apart. I know when Eunhyuk/Shindong raps but the Kibum? Heechul? I don't know when they sing/can't really hear them either and I feel pissed at myself for that - I CAN'T EVEN RMB THEIR VOICES?? :\

Nevertheless, I can't wait for their comeback performance tomorrow! I've watched the choreogaphy video like 394587394857 times and I still get excited and watch in awe every single time!! :D I didn't even know how to describe the choreography/put my feelings into words to Cheeeken today. :$

So what do you think of the album?? Do you like it? Do you think there should be more of the rest and that you hear a lot of K.R.Y too? :D

Comments are greatly appreciated! Let's share the SJ spazzing amongst one another yay yay ♥ :D

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