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5.6.09 : [090527] Nichkhun - Mnet Scandal Ep 2
Posted by XYZ at 7:13 PM


He remembers stuff that you tell him (this is fast becoming the number 1 priority on my list because I can't stand it when people forget stuff I tell them...sorry. -____- I guess it's just me.), he says the sweetest stuff OMG he is just such awesome boyfriend material.

WHY AREN'T THERE MORE OF THIS KIND OF GUYS?? Then again, if there were 10000000001 Nichkhuns in the world, then his kind wouldn't be rare anymore. :D

{Video credits to Madam2PMsubs @ Youtube}

Watch the rest of it: Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

I watched Ep 2 just now as a treat for myself, for doing my work (HAHA! Well, I did a bit and I still have loads of studying to go x_x) and omg it's really sweet and at some parts I sort of cringed but all in all, NICHKHUN IS TOTAL BOYFRIEND MATERIAL. ♥

In Part 1, Nichkhun invites Min Sun to watch him record an episode for Gag Ya, a gag show (the episode is online already I'll dig it up later :D) and he introduces her to Chan Sung. It's quite awkward hahahahah and omg he is so carefree around her and they act like a real couple haha!

Anyway, during the gag show there's this interview part and the comedians ask Nichkhun about his type/dream girlfriend. He says he likes cute girls, and immediately looks to Min Sun's direction *_* kill me nao hahahaha why isn't he looking @ me?!?1 LOL okay okay joking.

They even invite her on stage and the whole audience goes, "What? Really?" and well I kinda worried for Min Sun at the point of time because I thought she might get bricked. Thank goodness there weren't any gory scenes hahahaha (aggressive fangirls you know? :D)

They go out on a date after Nichkhun's done and they go to meet Min Sun's friends. And she was surprising them by bringing Nichkhun over, but her friends were being filmed so I'm guessing it's a secret camera of some sort huh. The kind they used in We Got Married to film the rooms. Hahaha.

Alright I'm going to summarize the sweet sweet BEYOND SWEET parts of the time Nichkhun and Min Sun were there with her friends:



P/S: Taec's going to be on the show too, as the next 2PM member. And I hear Hongki is going on after him!! :O

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