This is a joint blog where we channel our endless enthusiasm and energy towards music and entertainment.
All of us are still schooling, and this is just about the only way to keep our sanity. :D
Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, hence disagreements are not uncommon. :) We will blog about what we like, and
about what we find amusing. :D
I love SHINee! Especially darling Key, cause he's such a cutie.
안녕하세요! 오랜만입니다!’ -‘* SHINee의만능열쇠 Key입니닷…! Hello! It's been a long time '-'* It's SHINee's Almighty Key...!
From. SHINee를남기지못한지정말오래된것같네요 Juliette 활동을마치고, 달콤한휴식시간을잠깐갖기도했구요! ( 진짜대박쇼핑의시간 ) Key를위한많은준비의시간도가질수있었어요. It seems like it's been a long time since (I was on/left message on) From SHINee Juliette activities have ended and managed to have a short sweet break (Really great shopping time) (I've) also managed to have lots of time to prepare for Key**
저희많이보고싶으시죠? 조금만기다려주세요~ 열심히준비해서초대박노래로찾아뵐게요ㅋㅋㅋ You really miss us alot right? Just wait a little more please~ (We're) preparing really hard and attempt to show you the best through (our) songs
그리고저희신인 ‘f(x)’ 가나왔다죠! 라차타(LA chA TA) 는현재저의휴대폰벨소리와 통화연결음을차지하고있답니다. Also, our new group 'f(x)' has debut too! Lachata (LA chA TA) is my current handphone ringtone As well as voice mail tone
SHINee도후배가생겼다구요!ㅋㅋㅋ얏호-! SHINee has juniors too Yaho-!
많이사랑해주세요! Please give lots of love!
물론 SHINee도많이사랑해주시는것도잊지마시구요..^0^ 저는이만가보겠습니다~! ♡ At the same time, do not forget to give SHINee lots of love too.. ^0^ For now, I'll go (off)~!♡ Credits: SHINee forums - shakizi
Key's so sweet! I love it when he says SHINee has juniors too! He sounds so eggcited, like a little boy who just got his candy! :D
I love SHINee! Especially darling Key, cause he's such a cutie.
안녕하세요! 오랜만입니다!’ -‘* SHINee의만능열쇠 Key입니닷…! Hello! It's been a long time '-'* It's SHINee's Almighty Key...!
From. SHINee를남기지못한지정말오래된것같네요 Juliette 활동을마치고, 달콤한휴식시간을잠깐갖기도했구요! ( 진짜대박쇼핑의시간 ) Key를위한많은준비의시간도가질수있었어요. It seems like it's been a long time since (I was on/left message on) From SHINee Juliette activities have ended and managed to have a short sweet break (Really great shopping time) (I've) also managed to have lots of time to prepare for Key**
저희많이보고싶으시죠? 조금만기다려주세요~ 열심히준비해서초대박노래로찾아뵐게요ㅋㅋㅋ You really miss us alot right? Just wait a little more please~ (We're) preparing really hard and attempt to show you the best through (our) songs
그리고저희신인 ‘f(x)’ 가나왔다죠! 라차타(LA chA TA) 는현재저의휴대폰벨소리와 통화연결음을차지하고있답니다. Also, our new group 'f(x)' has debut too! Lachata (LA chA TA) is my current handphone ringtone As well as voice mail tone
SHINee도후배가생겼다구요!ㅋㅋㅋ얏호-! SHINee has juniors too Yaho-!
많이사랑해주세요! Please give lots of love!
물론 SHINee도많이사랑해주시는것도잊지마시구요..^0^ 저는이만가보겠습니다~! ♡ At the same time, do not forget to give SHINee lots of love too.. ^0^ For now, I'll go (off)~!♡ Credits: SHINee forums - shakizi
Key's so sweet! I love it when he says SHINee has juniors too! He sounds so eggcited, like a little boy who just got his candy! :D
If you'd like to be affiliated, email us at contact.nutzzzzz@gmail.com with the heading as "Affiliate Request". :D
About Us
We are a group of girls who are totally nutz over boy groups and especially the Korean entertainment scene.
This is a joint blog where we channel our endless enthusiasm and energy towards music and entertainment.
All of us are still schooling, and this is just about the only way to keep our sanity. :D
Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, hence disagreements are not uncommon. :) We will blog about what we like, and
about what we find amusing. :D
Basically, we're obscenely insane over Big Bang, DBSK/TVXQ, FT Island, Super Junior, Wonder Girls etc. No one should ever have to
suppress their craziness! :D
We aim to share our joy and incoherent fangirling with all of you out there!
And most importantly - stay sane. :D
Thanks for reading! ♥