This is a joint blog where we channel our endless enthusiasm and energy towards music and entertainment.
All of us are still schooling, and this is just about the only way to keep our sanity. :D
Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, hence disagreements are not uncommon. :) We will blog about what we like, and
about what we find amusing. :D
Jay has left for Seattle. I just came online about 5 minutes ago, and twooneday @ Twitter have been updating on the news at the airport.
Just posting up some photos of the scene at the airport.
{Credits as tagged}
In the second last picture, it touched me because it seemed like KHottest were kneeling on the floor (?) ;____________________; And the third last picture just showed the power of KHottest.
I do hope he comes back. I hope JYP issues some REAL confirmation (like, maybe his Twitter or something).
Aahhhhhhhhhhhhh Jay, one of my favourite jokers ♥ I hope you have a good rest in America. Don't beat yourself hard about it!!!!!!!!
I can't imagine the kind of pain he's probably going through right now. :'(
Jay has left for Seattle. I just came online about 5 minutes ago, and twooneday @ Twitter have been updating on the news at the airport.
Just posting up some photos of the scene at the airport.
{Credits as tagged}
In the second last picture, it touched me because it seemed like KHottest were kneeling on the floor (?) ;____________________; And the third last picture just showed the power of KHottest.
I do hope he comes back. I hope JYP issues some REAL confirmation (like, maybe his Twitter or something).
Aahhhhhhhhhhhhh Jay, one of my favourite jokers ♥ I hope you have a good rest in America. Don't beat yourself hard about it!!!!!!!!
I can't imagine the kind of pain he's probably going through right now. :'(
If you'd like to be affiliated, email us at contact.nutzzzzz@gmail.com with the heading as "Affiliate Request". :D
About Us
We are a group of girls who are totally nutz over boy groups and especially the Korean entertainment scene.
This is a joint blog where we channel our endless enthusiasm and energy towards music and entertainment.
All of us are still schooling, and this is just about the only way to keep our sanity. :D
Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, hence disagreements are not uncommon. :) We will blog about what we like, and
about what we find amusing. :D
Basically, we're obscenely insane over Big Bang, DBSK/TVXQ, FT Island, Super Junior, Wonder Girls etc. No one should ever have to
suppress their craziness! :D
We aim to share our joy and incoherent fangirling with all of you out there!
And most importantly - stay sane. :D
Thanks for reading! ♥