This is a joint blog where we channel our endless enthusiasm and energy towards music and entertainment.
All of us are still schooling, and this is just about the only way to keep our sanity. :D
Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, hence disagreements are not uncommon. :) We will blog about what we like, and
about what we find amusing. :D
It was announced today that actor, Lee Minho will be dropping by Singapore this October and meet his fans.
He will be in Singapore to officiate at the opening ceremony for the second Etude House outlet (for which he models) at Ion Orchard. To celebrate the opening of the second outlet in Singapore in the short period of 3 months, the brand decided on having Lee Minho in Singapore to make the occasion an even joyous one.
Lee Minho will drop by Singapore for a 2D1N trip on 10th October, and it will be a pretty packed schedule, incorporating a fanmeeting. Details like places he will go to, number of people accompaying him, etc are not known yet.
He is not the first Boys Over Flowers star to visit Singapore as his fiance in the drama, Lee Min Jung had already dropped by in June, for the launch of the new Sony Ericsson mobile phones for the Asia Pacific region, for which she is the model for. Fans in Singapore are advised to frequent Etude House at Plaza Singapura or look out for promotions in newspapers/magazines for the latest on Lee Minho's trip here.
It was announced today that actor, Lee Minho will be dropping by Singapore this October and meet his fans.
He will be in Singapore to officiate at the opening ceremony for the second Etude House outlet (for which he models) at Ion Orchard. To celebrate the opening of the second outlet in Singapore in the short period of 3 months, the brand decided on having Lee Minho in Singapore to make the occasion an even joyous one.
Lee Minho will drop by Singapore for a 2D1N trip on 10th October, and it will be a pretty packed schedule, incorporating a fanmeeting. Details like places he will go to, number of people accompaying him, etc are not known yet.
He is not the first Boys Over Flowers star to visit Singapore as his fiance in the drama, Lee Min Jung had already dropped by in June, for the launch of the new Sony Ericsson mobile phones for the Asia Pacific region, for which she is the model for. Fans in Singapore are advised to frequent Etude House at Plaza Singapura or look out for promotions in newspapers/magazines for the latest on Lee Minho's trip here.
If you'd like to be affiliated, email us at contact.nutzzzzz@gmail.com with the heading as "Affiliate Request". :D
About Us
We are a group of girls who are totally nutz over boy groups and especially the Korean entertainment scene.
This is a joint blog where we channel our endless enthusiasm and energy towards music and entertainment.
All of us are still schooling, and this is just about the only way to keep our sanity. :D
Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, hence disagreements are not uncommon. :) We will blog about what we like, and
about what we find amusing. :D
Basically, we're obscenely insane over Big Bang, DBSK/TVXQ, FT Island, Super Junior, Wonder Girls etc. No one should ever have to
suppress their craziness! :D
We aim to share our joy and incoherent fangirling with all of you out there!
And most importantly - stay sane. :D
Thanks for reading! ♥